The truth of the universe or God, as I have come to experience it, is that they are both one and the same thing … the one life that we are all part of. There is no separation … there is no me or you. It’s all part of an inconceivable, existential equation that cannot be understood by the human brain. I could do one thing as Ricardo Chin that then affects the lives of those closest to me, triggering a ripple effect that touches the lives of those closest to them, and then ripples out even further throughout the interconnectedness of existence … and it’s all by design. We all help give each other the experiences needed for our seemingly individual evolution, which then flows through the connectedness of humanity and all other energies associated with it, causing the evolution of universal consciousness.
I have had experiences in my life that have left me feeling negative, unloved, alone, and with a deep sense of hopelessness, as I imagine many of us have. I’ve realised that in these moments, I often asked myself the wrong question: what is the point of life? The question I should have been asking instead was: who am I going to be in this situation, and where does that sense of being come from? The universe is always communicating to us, whether it be through situations, feelings or another person, and once I took the time to stop and be present, I was finally able to see it.
I will never aim to tell anybody what the truth of the universe is, but I do want to share what I know my truth to be. I am so much more than I could ever hope to convey here in written text in this blog, but I will try. I am in the universe, and of the universe, there for an expression of the universe and perhaps the most befitting explanation that I can offer is that I am love.
How do I know this? Well, let’s take the people I have truly been able to connect with, be it a romantic partner, family relative or friend. What happens is that someone comes into my life; there’s a meeting, an introduction, and then maybe each time I meet that person thereafter, there’s a smile, a laugh, and a shared sense of warmth between us that begins to grow. Before I know it, I begin to feel safe in the presence of that person, and when I feel safe, I allow myself to be vulnerable; and, in doing so, begin to strip away some of the layers of armour that I normally wear when interacting with the world in general.
By armour, I mean inauthenticity, keeping people at a distance, defensiveness and so on … and the more time I spend with this person, the more my layers of ostensible self-protection dissolve. Once all of those layers have disappeared, all that’s left is who l truly am – love. That’s when I tell that person: “I love you,” what I really mean to say is: “Hey, I am love, can I show you?” This has helped me understand the old adage: ‘In the presence of a true friend, you fall more deeply in love with yourself’.
Despite my attempts at expressing the glimpses I have had of what love really is, I cannot truly explain it and do it justice. I could speak all of the languages in the world and still never be able to explicate it in words. It’s a feeling that has to be experienced and felt; one that expunges fear, loneliness, separation, and all other illusions of the self.
And when unable to truly connect with other people, I now know that it’s down to being unable to feel safe enough with each other to be vulnerable; to peel back the layers to expose the essence of who we really are. Ultimately, I know that I am love, an extension of the universe and what it wants to express; and can only imagine the unquantifiable love that is the universe/God.